The objective of Stock Screener is to provide a snapshot of the previous day's market to help analyze and filter stocks.
In stock market investment, one of the most challenging task is to analyze and filter stocks. Historically it has been seen that :
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We developed this application for personal use. Use this Stock Screener at your own risk. We are not responsible.
Symbol | LTP | Change |
Greaves Cotton( GREAVESCOT ) | 252.7 | 39.46 (18.5 %) |
( GREENPANEL ) | 394 | 44.7 (12.8 %) |
Bajaj Consumer Care ( BAJAJCON ) | 231.29 | 24.09 (11.63 %) |
Raymond Ltd ( RAYMOND ) | 1793.05 | 180.9 (11.22 %) |
Reliance NipLifeAML ( NAM-INDIA ) | 809.8 | 75.25 (10.24 %) |
Symbol | LTP | Change |
Ceat Ltd.( CEATLTD ) | 3208 | -207.75 (-6.08 %) |
C.E. Info Systems Limited( MAPMYINDIA ) | 1812.95 | -95.5 (-5 %) |
HEG Ltd. ( HEG ) | 570.1 | -27.35 (-4.58 %) |
Shoppers Stop( SHOPERSTOP ) | 611.8 | -28.9 (-4.51 %) |
Uflex Ltd. ( UFLEX ) | 567.95 | -26.8 (-4.51 %) |